"Phrases" { "Fith4gt" //Fire in the hole for grenade type { "en" "Fire in the hole!" "fr" "Grenade !" "chi" "手雷!" //Would "小心爆炸!" be better ? Since simplified is easier I think there are more playing CSS. "cze" "Pozor, výbuch!" "da" "Der sprænges!" "de" "Geht in Deckung!" "es" "¡Todos a cubierto!" "fi" "Kohta räjähtää!" "hu" "Gránát!" "it" "Fire in the hole!" //yep... "jp" "爆発する!" "ko" "수류탄 투척!" "l0l" "F143 1n 5h3 h013¡" //0ut 05 n03h343 //"lt" //Couldn't find cstrike_lithuania.txt //"lv" //Couldn't find cstrike_latvian.txt "nl" "Onderuit!" "no" "Innkommende!" "pl" "Rzucam!" "pt" "Olha a bomba!" //Would "Vai rebentar!" be better ? I think there are more br than pt playing CSS. "ru" "Ложись!" //"sk" //Couldn't find cstrike_slovak.txt "sv" "Tänt var det här!" "tr" "Bomba atıyorum!" //"zho" //Couldn't find cstrike_zhosomething.txt } }