"Phrases" { "RTD_Disabled" { "en" "This server has disabled Roll the Dice at this time." } "RTD_Effects_Title" { "en" "Roll the Dice: Effects\nClick for a description:" } "RTD_Access_Denied" { "en" "Opps! You are not allowed to do that." } "RTD_InRoll" { "en" "You're already rolling the dice!" } "RTD_Wait" { "#format" "{1:c},{2:d},{3:c}" "en" "You must wait {1}{2}{3} second(s)." } "RTD_Alive" { "en" "You must be alive to roll the dice." } "RTD_Busy_Mode1" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} is using roll the dice." } "RTD_Busy_Mode2" { "en" "Too many players on your team are using roll the dice." } "RTD_No_Effects" { "en" "Too many commands have been disabled. Remove some commands from the cvar: sm_rtd_disabled." } "RTD_Effect" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c},{4:s},{5:s},{6:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} rolled: {4}{5}{6}." } "RTD_Effect_Time" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c},{4:s},{5:s},{6:c},{7:s},{8:d},{9:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} rolled: {4}{5}{6} for {7}{8}{9} seconds." } "RTD_Effect_End" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3}'s effect has worn off." } "RTD_Died" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} died during their roll." } "RTD_Respawn" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} respawned during their roll." } "RTD_Disconnected" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} disconnected during their roll." } "RTD_Health" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:d},{3:c}" "en" "You now have: {1}{2}{3} HP!" } "RTD_Stuck" { "en" "You were respawned because you were stuck." } "RTD_Timebomb" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:N}" "en" "{1} seconds until {2} explodes." } "RTD_Timebomb_Result" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:N},{3:c},{4:s},{5:d},{6:c}" "en" "{1}{2}{3} damage: {4}{5}{6}." } "RTD_NotInRound" { "en" "Wait for the round to start." } "RTD_NoTargets" { "en" "No valid targets available." } "RTD_Advert1" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:c}" "en" "Type {1}rtd{2} to roll for random effects." } "RTD_Advert2" { "#format" "{1:s},{2:c}" "en" "Dice mod is running! Type {1}effects{2} to learn more." } "#godmode" { "en" "godmode" } "#godmode_desc" { "en" "Invulnerability to bullets, falling, and map traps." } "#toxic" { "en" "toxic" } "#toxic_desc" { "en" "Your horrible breath kills anyone near you." } "#buffed_health" { "en" "lucky sandvich" } "#buffed_health_desc" { "en" "An instant health boost and the next shot will be a crit. Good luck!" } "#increased_speed" { "en" "faster speed" } "#increased_speed_desc" { "en" "Ever wanted to go faster? Be gone like the wind!" } "#noclip" { "en" "noclip" } "#noclip_desc" { "en" "Fly through and walls and terrorize the other team." } "#low_gravity" { "en" "low gravity" } "#low_gravity_desc" { "en" "Lower gravity than everyone else. Play Blue Danube during this effect." } "#uber" { "en" "unlimited uber" } "#uber_desc" { "en" "A couple seconds of uber to show the other team who's boss." } "#invis" { "en" "invisibility" } "#invis_desc" { "en" "Now you see me - now you don't. Go invisible - even to sentries!" } "#cloak" { "en" "infinite cloak" } "#cloak_desc" { "en" "Your spy watch won't run out for the duration of this effect." } "#crits" { "en" "crits" } "#crits_desc" { "en" "Constant crits without the requirement of hacks!" } "#infinite_ammo" { "en" "infinite ammo" } "#infinite_ammo_desc" { "en" "No need to reload - we've got you covered!" } "#scary_bullets" { "en" "scary bullets" } "#scary_bullets_desc" { "en" "Any players you hurt become scared like tiny babies." } "#sentry" { "en" "instant sentry" } "#sentry_desc" { "en" "Point at a spot and call for a medic to spawn a sentry." } "RTD_Building_Placement" { "en" "You cannot build in that spot." } "#homing" { "en" "homing projectiles" } "#homing_desc" { "en" "Rockets/arrows/flares will fly at enemies to save the bother the aiming." } "#charge" { "en" "instant charge" } "#charge_desc" { "en" "Your sniper rifle and bow charge up instantly." } "#explode" { "en" "explode" } "#explode_desc" { "en" "Sorry, you exploded where you stood. Just bad luck." } "#snail" { "en" "snail" } "#snail_desc" { "en" "Your move speed is slowed. Might win in a race against a cozy camper sniper." } "#freeze" { "en" "frozen" } "#freeze_desc" { "en" "All movement is frozen and you become an ice sculpture." } "#timebomb" { "en" "timebomb" } "#timebomb_desc" { "en" "You have seconds to live. Run towards the other team to deal damage when you die." } "#ignite" { "en" "spontaneous combustion" } "#ignite_desc" { "en" "Surprise, you're on fire!" } "#low_health" { "en" "low health" } "#low_health_desc" { "en" "All your health is gone. Where did it go?" } "#drug" { "en" "drugged" } "#drug_desc" { "en" "Flashes of color and tilted vision overtake your screen to distract you." } "#blind" { "en" "blind" } "#blind_desc" { "en" "Who turned the lights out?" } "#melee" { "en" "stripped to melee" } "#melee_desc" { "en" "You lose your primary and secondary weapons." } "#beacon" { "en" "beacon" } "#beacon_desc" { "en" "An energy ring and pinging sound let the enemy know where you are." } "#taunt" { "en" "forced taunt" } "#taunt_desc" { "en" "You can't stop taunting." } "#nostalgia" { "en" "nostalgia" } "#nostalgia_desc" { "en" "Just like the good ol' days!" } "#earthquake" { "en" "earthquake" } "#earthquake_desc" { "en" "A rumble shakes your screen and affects those around you." } "#funny_feeling" { "en" "funny feeling" } "#funny_feeling_desc" { "en" "Increases your FOV to 160. Woooah.." } "#sauce" { "en" "mystery sauce" } "#sauce_desc" { "en" "You are covered in jarate and milk and bleeding out." } "#dispenser" { "en" "dispenser pop-up" } "#dispenser_desc" { "en" "Point at a spot and call for a medic to spawn a dispenser." } "RTD_Building_Limit" { "#format" "{1:d},{2:d}" "en" "You've built {1}/{2} building(s)." } "#jump" { "en" "infinite double jumps" } "#jump_desc" { "en" "Play a little game of the floor is lava and double jump without restrictions." } "#instant_kills" { "en" "instant kills" } "#instant_kills_desc" { "en" "Any damage you deal automatically kills your victim!" } "#bighead" { "en" "big head" } "#bighead_desc" { "en" "Your head grew in size. This lowers your voice pitch as well." } "#tinyplayer" { "en" "player shrink" } "#tinyplayer_desc" { "en" "You have shrunk! Use this advantage to sneak past the enemy." } }