using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using Newtonsoft.Json; using UnityEngine; using System; using Oxide.Core; namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Useable Shovels", "mr01sam", "1.0.3")] [Description("Allows you to dig into the ground using shovels!")] partial class UseableShovels : CovalencePlugin { private const string PERMISSION_USE = "useableshovels.use"; void Init() { Unsubscribe(nameof(OnMeleeAttack)); permission.RegisterPermission(PERMISSION_USE, this); } void Unload() { _monumentInfoCache = null; } void OnServerInitialized() { Subscribe(nameof(OnMeleeAttack)); } } } namespace Oxide.Plugins { partial class UseableShovels : CovalencePlugin { private Configuration config; private partial class Configuration { [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Gain Stone")] public bool GainStone = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Gain Metal/Sulfur")] public bool GainMetalAndSulfur = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Gain Bait")] public bool GainBait = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Gain Plant Fiber")] public bool GainPlantFiber = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Reveal Player Stashes")] public bool RevealStashes = true; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Digging in Monuments")] public bool AllowDiggingMonuments = false; [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "Allow Digging in Building Privileges")] public bool AllowDiggingBuildingPrivilege = false; } protected override void LoadConfig() { base.LoadConfig(); try { config = Config.ReadObject(); if (config == null) throw new Exception(); } catch { PrintError("Your configuration file contains an error. Using default configuration values."); LoadDefaultConfig(); } SaveConfig(); } protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(config); protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => config = new Configuration(); } } namespace Oxide.Plugins { partial class UseableShovels : CovalencePlugin { private readonly string STONE_ITEM = "stones"; private readonly string SULPHUR_ITEM = "sulfur.ore"; private readonly string METAL_ITEM = "metal.ore"; private readonly string GRUB_ITEM = "grub"; private readonly string WORM_ITEM = "worm"; private readonly string PLANT_FIBER_ITEM = "plantfiber"; private static MonumentInfo[] _monumentInfoCache; public static MonumentInfo[] MonumentInfoCached { get { if (_monumentInfoCache == null) { _monumentInfoCache = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(); } return _monumentInfoCache; } } enum LocationType { Generic, Monument, BuildingPrivilege } LocationType GetLocationTypeFromPosition(BasePlayer basePlayer, Vector3 position) { bool inBuildingBlockedZone = basePlayer != null && basePlayer.GetBuildingPrivilege() != null; if (inBuildingBlockedZone) { return LocationType.BuildingPrivilege; } bool inMonument = MonumentInfoCached.Any(x => x.IsInBounds(position)); if (inMonument) { return LocationType.Monument; } return LocationType.Generic; } ItemChance[] GetItemsFromMaterial(HitMaterial material) { switch (material) { case HitMaterial.Grass: return new ItemChance[] { new ItemChance(GRUB_ITEM, 5, config.GainBait), new ItemChance(PLANT_FIBER_ITEM, 40, config.GainPlantFiber) }; case HitMaterial.SnowGrass: return new ItemChance[] { new ItemChance(PLANT_FIBER_ITEM, 10, config.GainPlantFiber) }; case HitMaterial.Sand: return new ItemChance[] { new ItemChance(SULPHUR_ITEM, 10, config.GainMetalAndSulfur) }; case HitMaterial.Dirt: return new ItemChance[] { new ItemChance(WORM_ITEM, 5, config.GainBait), }; case HitMaterial.Riverbed: return new ItemChance[] { new ItemChance(METAL_ITEM, 10, config.GainMetalAndSulfur), new ItemChance(GRUB_ITEM, 2, config.GainBait), }; case HitMaterial.Gravel: return new ItemChance[] { new ItemChance(METAL_ITEM, 30, config.GainMetalAndSulfur), }; default: return new ItemChance[0]; } } enum HitMaterial { Undiggable, Grass, Gravel, Riverbed, SnowGrass, Sand, Dirt } HitMaterial GetHitMaterialFromID(uint material) { switch (material) { case 2306822461: return HitMaterial.Gravel; case 1109271974: return HitMaterial.Riverbed; case 3829453833: return HitMaterial.Grass; case 3620698611: return HitMaterial.Grass; case 3757806379: return HitMaterial.SnowGrass; case 1533752200: return HitMaterial.Sand; case 2551253961: return HitMaterial.Dirt; } return HitMaterial.Undiggable; } object OnMeleeAttack(BasePlayer basePlayer, HitInfo info) { object defaultReturn = null; if (info != null && info.Weapon != null && info.Weapon.ShortPrefabName == "paddle.entity") { var localPosition = info.HitPositionLocal; var worldPosition = info.HitPositionWorld; var locationType = GetLocationTypeFromPosition(basePlayer, worldPosition); var hitMaterial = GetHitMaterialFromID(info.HitMaterial); if (hitMaterial == HitMaterial.Undiggable) { return defaultReturn; } if (!permission.UserHasPermission(basePlayer.UserIDString, PERMISSION_USE) || (locationType == LocationType.Monument && !config.AllowDiggingMonuments) || (locationType == LocationType.BuildingPrivilege && !config.AllowDiggingBuildingPrivilege)) { basePlayer.IPlayer.Reply(Lang("cannot dig here", basePlayer)); return defaultReturn; } DigHoleAndGetStuff(basePlayer, hitMaterial, localPosition, worldPosition); } return defaultReturn; } void DigHoleAndGetStuff(BasePlayer basePlayer, HitMaterial hitMaterial, Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 worldPosition) { int roll; int amt; var tool = (Paddle)basePlayer.GetActiveItem().GetHeldEntity(); var gatherRate = (tool.damageTypes.First(x => x.type == Rust.DamageType.Blunt).amount / 40f); if (config.GainStone) { roll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10); amt = roll >= 9 ? 3 : (roll >= 4 ? 2 : 1); GiveItemByShortName(basePlayer, STONE_ITEM, RoundGatherAmount(amt, gatherRate)); } var chances = GetItemsFromMaterial(hitMaterial); foreach (var itemChance in chances) { roll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100); amt = roll >= 100 - itemChance.Chance ? 1 : 0; GiveItemByShortName(basePlayer, itemChance.ItemShortName, RoundGatherAmount(amt, gatherRate)); } bool didRevealStash = false; if (config.RevealStashes) { didRevealStash = RevealPlayerStashes(worldPosition) > 0; } if (!didRevealStash) { PlayDigEffect(basePlayer, localPosition); } Interface.CallHook("OnDig", basePlayer, localPosition, worldPosition); } int RevealPlayerStashes(Vector3 position) { var stashes = GetNearbyStashes(position, 1f); int revealed = 0; foreach (var stash in stashes) { if (stash.IsHidden()) { stash.ToggleHidden(); revealed++; } } return revealed; } List GetNearbyStashes(Vector3 position, float radius) { List stashes = new List(); Vis.Entities(position, radius, stashes); return stashes; } int RoundGatherAmount(int amt, float gatherRate) { return amt <= 0 || gatherRate <= 0 ? 0 : (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Floor(amt * gatherRate)); } void PlayDigEffect(BaseEntity entity, Vector3 position) { var effect = new Effect("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/dig_effect.prefab", position,; EffectNetwork.Send(effect); } void GiveItemByShortName(BasePlayer basePlayer, string name, int amount) { if (amount > 0) { var item = ItemManager.CreateByName(name, amount); basePlayer.GiveItem(item); } } } } namespace Oxide.Plugins { partial class UseableShovels : CovalencePlugin { public class ItemChance { public string ItemShortName { get; set; } public int Chance { get; set; } public bool Enabled { get; set; } public ItemChance(string itemShortName, int chance, bool enabled) { this.ItemShortName = itemShortName; this.Chance = chance; this.Enabled = enabled; } } } } namespace Oxide.Plugins { partial class UseableShovels : CovalencePlugin { protected override void LoadDefaultMessages() { lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary { ["cannot dig here"] = "You cannot dig in this area." }, this); } private string Lang(string key, BasePlayer basePlayer, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, basePlayer?.UserIDString), args); } }