[CS:GO] Рандомное создавание предметов / Entity Spawner - CS:GO - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Перейти к содержанию

[CS:GO] Рандомное создавание предметов / Entity Spawner 1.0.1

1 изображение

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Плагин позволяет рандомно создавать вещи на карте (оружие,пропы и тд).

Хорошо подойдет  для Zombie  или TTT сервера в CS:GO


Для работы этого плагина потребуется основа:



sm_esspawn - Создает предметы на карте 
sm_esclear - Удаляет все предметы на карте,которые были созданы этим плагином
sm_esreload - Перезагружает entities.cfg 



entityspawner_nav_areas_required - сколько должно быть NavArea на карте, чтобы создавать предметы

entityspawner_spawn_limit - лимит ентитей, после которого плагин прекращает создавать новые



Пример конфига предметов для создания:

//                            INFO
//    The config is read from top to bottom, so maps put further up
//     the config will be prioritized
//    Example:
//    - de_dust2
//    - de_
//    If the map is dust2, the spawns for that section will be read.
//     If the map is nuke, the spawns for "de_" section will be read.
//    MAP KEYS:
//    "spawnroundstart"    "<number>"            - 0 will disable entity spawning on round start
//                                            - 1 will enable entity spawning on round start
//    "maxroundspawns"    "<number>"            - Amount of rounds entities will spawn
//                                            - 0 will spawn entities every round
//    "spawninterval"        "<number>"            - Amount of seconds until entities should spawn again
//                                            - 0 will disable
//    "resettimer"        "<0/1>"                - Should the spawn timer be reset on round start or transfer over rounds
//    "classname"            "<string>"            - The classname of the entity you want to spawn
//                                            - List of CSGO specific entities can be found here: [url]https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Entities[/url]
//    "keyvalue<number>"    "<key> <value>"        - Enter a keyvalue for a entity, this is optional
//                                            - If you need to set multiple keyvalues, just increment the number after the key
//                                            Example:
//                                            - "keyvalue0"    "model modelpath/modelname.mdl"
//                                            - "keyvalue1"    "modelscale 5.0"
//    "prop<number>"        "<prop> <value>"    - Enter a value for an entity property, this is optional
//                                            - If you need to set multiple props, just increment the number after the key
//                                            Example:
//                                            - "prop0"    "m_iHealth 2"
//                                            - "prop1"    "m_vecOrigin 50.0 24.5 36.0"
//                                            - "prop2"    "m_iszName hehehehe"
//    "maxspawns"            "<number">            - Max amount of times this entity could be spawned per round.
//                                              However, it does not guarantee that it will spawn this amount of times.
//    "zoffset"            "<decimal>"            - If the terrain is very uneven like dust2, increase this value a bit (5.0 - 10.0)
//                                              and you might see an increase of spawns.
//                                            - The reason for this key is because everytime a prop is spawned, it makes sure
//                                              that the prop fits around the area its spawned.
//                                            - Increasing this value will make the prop spawn higher above the ground
//    "slopes"            "<0/1>"                - Can this entity spawn on slopes or only flat surfaces

// This stock config will spawn AWPS/Breakable crates/Chickens on maps that start with "de_" or "cs_"

        "spawnroundstart"    "1"
        "maxroundspawns"    "0"
        "spawninterval"        "0"
        "resettimer"        "1"
            "classname"        "weapon_awp"
            "maxspawns"        "20"
            "zoffset"        "10.0"
            "slopes"        "1"
        "Breakable Crate"
            "classname"        "prop_physics_override"
            "keyvalue0"        "model models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl"
            "prop0"            "m_takedamage 2"
            "maxspawns"        "50"
            "zoffset"        "10.0"
            "slopes"        "1"
        "Chicken Medium"
            "classname"        "chicken"
            "maxspawns"        "20"
            "zoffset"        "5.0"
            "slopes"        "1"
        "spawnroundstart"    "1"
        "maxroundspawns"    "0"
        "spawninterval"        "0"
        "resettimer"        "1"
            "classname"        "weapon_awp"
            "maxspawns"        "20"
            "zoffset"        "10.0"
            "slopes"        "1"
        "Breakable Crate"
            "classname"        "prop_physics_override"
            "keyvalue0"        "model models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl"
            "prop0"            "m_takedamage 2"
            "maxspawns"        "50"
            "zoffset"        "10.0"
            "slopes"        "1"
        "Chicken Medium"
            "classname"        "chicken"
            "maxspawns"        "20"
            "zoffset"        "5.0"
            "slopes"        "1"




#if defined _entityspawner_included
#define _entityspawner_included

#define ES_PREFIX " \x09[\x04ES\x09]"
#define ES_MAX_ENTITIES 256

 * Spawns random entities on the map (Set in entityspawner.cfg)
 * @return int         amount of entities spawned
native int ES_SpawnEntities();

 * Clears all randomly spawned entities
 * @return int         amount of entities removed
native int ES_ClearEntities();

 * Returns true if spawning is enabled on round start
 * @return bool        are entities spawning on round start
native bool ES_IsSpawningOnRoundStart();

 * Returns true if theres enough nav areas (Set by convar) and if config is setup for current map
 * @return bool        enough nav areas/config setup
native bool ES_IsRandomSpawnsEnabled();

 * Called when entities are randomly spawned across the map
 * @param entities that spawned (Entity references)
 * @param amount of entities spawned
 * @noreturn
forward void ES_OnEntitiesSpawned(int entities[ES_MAX_ENTITIES], int entCount);

 * Called when all randomly spawned entities are removed
 * @param amount of entities removed
 * @noreturn
forward void ES_OnEntitiesCleared(int entCount);

public SharedPlugin __pl_entityspawner  =
    name = "entityspawner",
    file = "entityspawner.smx",
#if defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
    required = 1
    required = 0

#if !defined REQUIRE_PLUGIN
public __pl_entityspawner_SetNTVOptional()

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