[CS:GO] Режим Mario / Super Smash Bros - CS:GO - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Перейти к содержанию

[CS:GO] Режим Mario / Super Smash Bros 1.7

1 изображение

Информация о файле

Режим-мод Mario Super Smash Bros для сервера CS:GO. Подробный геймплей смотрите на видео ниже.

В моде можно играть даже просто с ботами.





sb_upward_force - на сколько увеличивать прыжок вверх
sb_angles - Default push angles from 0 to 89. 0 looking down and up to 89 looking up. 
sb_givedmg_multiplier - на сколько увеличивать наносимый урон
sb_takedmg_multiplier - на сколько увеличивать получаемый урон
sb_pushback_multiplier - дистанция на сколько отталкивает игрока при получении урона
sb_ff - разрешить огонь по своим? 


sm_sb - основное меню мода
sm_vol - громкость звуков мода
sm_guns - меню оружия 
sm_weapons - так же меню оружия
sm_dmg - нанесение урона сразу всем игрокам (админ)
sm_item - создание какого либо предмета  (админ)
sm_items - создание рандомного предмета (админ)


Информация для разработчиков:

#if defined _kento_sb_included 

 * Gets client damages. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @return    client damages. 
native float SB_GetClientDamage(int client); 

 * Sets client damages. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param damage     Damage value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_SetClientDamage(int client, float damage); 

 * Gets client give damage multiplier. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @return    client give damage multiplier. 
native float SB_GetClientGiveDamageMultiplier(int client); 

 * Sets client give damage multiplier. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param multiplier     value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_SetClientGiveDamageMultiplier(int client, float multiplier); 

 * Gets client take damage multiplier. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @return    client take damage multiplier. 
native float SB_GetClientTakeDamageMultiplier(int client); 

 * Sets client take damage multiplier. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param multiplier     value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_SetClientTakeDamageMultiplier(int client, float multiplier); 

 * Gets client pushback multiplier. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @return    client pushback multiplier. 
native float SB_GetClientPushbackMultiplier(int client); 

 * Sets client pushback multiplier. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param multiplier     value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_SetClientPushbackMultiplier(int client, float multiplier); 

 * Gets client upward force. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @return    client upward force. 
native float SB_GetClientUpwardForce(int client); 

 * Sets client upward force. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param force     value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_SetClientUpwardForce(int client, float force); 

 * Gets client angle. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @return    client angle. 
native float SB_GetClientAngle(int client); 

 * Sets client angle. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param force     value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_SetClientAngle(int client, float angle); 

 * Sets client angle. 
 * @param client     Player index. 
 * @param force     value to set. 
 * @return    true if success, otherwise false. 
native bool SB_KnockBackClient(int client, int attacker); 

 * When item should spawn. 
 * @param name     Item name. 
 * @param pos      Position array. 
 * @return    no return. 
forward Action SB_OnItemSpawn(const char[] name, float pos[3]); 

 * When client knockback. 
 * @param victim     Victim player index. 
 * @param attacker      Attacker player index. 
 * @velocity    Knockback velocity 
 * @return    no return. 
forward Action SB_OnClientKnockBack(int victim, int attacker, float velocity[3]); 

 * When player take damage. 
 * @param victim     Victim player index. 
 * @param attacker     Attacker player index. 
 * @param inflictor     inflictor entity index, -1 if invalid. 
 * @param damage      Damage 
 * @return    no return. 
forward Action SB_OnTakeDamage(int victim, int attacker, int inflictor, float damage);  

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