[MG] mg_runordie_final - Steam - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Jump to content

[MG] mg_runordie_final


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Название: mg_runordie_final

Добавил: Соник_Йожыг

Добавлен: 01 Июн 2015

Категория: Minigame (Мульти игры/Минигейм)

updated and fixed.

System has an anti AFK.

It has a system of teleports 1:30 minutes (after they die)

The doors have been fixed.

The triggers have been fixed.

The teleport to the last room has a system that makes waiting for the other players.

In the part of the buttons also have another system that locks the back door so it does not cheat.

The laser is fixed.

The main levels are easy.

It also has 3 songs: deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember / DeadMau5 - Not Exactly / deadmau - some chords.

I hope you forgive me for what I had done wrong the previous map. I did not realize so many mistakes and I fixed now.

Sorry for my bad english


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