[MG] mg_flyflynow_v2csgo - Steam - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Jump to content

[MG] mg_flyflynow_v2csgo


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Название: mg_flyflynow_v2csgo

Добавил: OriginalShaman

Добавлен: 03 Июн 2015

Категория: Minigame (Мульти игры/Минигейм)

Fly around with a shotgun through the air use your skill to not fall off and die. There is a deagle hidden inside the ball of water, and a taser on the lowest pad. If you fall below you take 20 damage and get teleported into the ball of water. Skill based map good luck.

Must have +sv_airaccelerate 150 in order to play.

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