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Найдено: 12 результатов

  1. Версия 1.0.0

    72 раза скачали

    Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. Позволяет играть в ZP режим на картах Zombie Escape. Телепортирует зомби к нужному спауну. Требуется для работы: Установка: Раскидать файлы по папкам (.smx в plugins, .cfg в configs и так далее)
  2. Просмотр файла [CS:GO/ZP] Поддержка Zombie Escape карт / Addon: Escape Map Support Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. Позволяет играть в ZP режим на картах Zombie Escape. Телепортирует зомби к нужному спауну. Требуется для работы: Установка: Раскидать файлы по папкам (.smx в plugins, .cfg в configs и так далее) Добавил OriginalShaman Добавлено 24.01.2019 Категория CS:GO / CS2  
  3. Версия 1.3.0

    72 раза скачали

    Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. В меню закупки добавляется пункт "Бесконечные патроны" которые игроки могут приобрести Требуется для работы: Настройки: zp_ammo_type 0 = сколько раз игрок может покупать патроны ['0' = один раз за раунд] ['1' = пока не превратиться в зомби] ['2' = таймер] zp_ammo_time 20.0 = сколько времени отведено на закупку, если в настройке выше установлено значнеие 2
  4. Просмотр файла [CS:GO/ZP] Бесконечные патроны / ExtraItem: Infinity Ammo Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. В меню закупки добавляется пункт "Бесконечные патроны" которые игроки могут приобрести Требуется для работы: Настройки: zp_ammo_type 0 = сколько раз игрок может покупать патроны ['0' = один раз за раунд] ['1' = пока не превратиться в зомби] ['2' = таймер] zp_ammo_time 20.0 = сколько времени отведено на закупку, если в настройке выше установлено значнеие 2 Добавил OriginalShaman Добавлено 24.01.2019 Категория CS:GO / CS2  
  5. Версия 3.0

    101 раз скачали

    Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. Добавляет на сервер новое оружие для людей PlasmaGun (плазменная пушка, или рельсовая) Требуется для работы: Настройки в самом плагине (нужно компилировать плагин): #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "PlasmaGun" #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0 // Weapon #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_plasma" #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_scar20" // Models #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/plasma/w_snip_plasma.mdl" #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/plasma/v_snip_plasma.mdl" #define MODEL_BEAM "materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt" // Sounds #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/RequestsStudio/UT3/AvrilFire.mp3" #define SOUND_DEPLOY "weapons/RequestsStudio/UT3/AvrilDeploy.mp3" // Beam #define BEAM_LIFE 0.105 #define BEAM_COLOR {100, 50, 253, 255} // Damage #define WEAPON_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE 1.23
  6. Просмотр файла [CS:GO/ZP] Новое оружие: PlasmaGun / ExtraItem: PlasmaGun Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. Добавляет на сервер новое оружие для людей PlasmaGun (плазменная пушка, или рельсовая) Требуется для работы: Настройки в самом плагине (нужно компилировать плагин): #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "PlasmaGun" #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0 // Weapon #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_plasma" #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_scar20" // Models #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/plasma/w_snip_plasma.mdl" #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/plasma/v_snip_plasma.mdl" #define MODEL_BEAM "materials/sprites/laserbeam.vmt" // Sounds #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/RequestsStudio/UT3/AvrilFire.mp3" #define SOUND_DEPLOY "weapons/RequestsStudio/UT3/AvrilDeploy.mp3" // Beam #define BEAM_LIFE 0.105 #define BEAM_COLOR {100, 50, 253, 255} // Damage #define WEAPON_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE 1.23 Добавил OriginalShaman Добавлено 24.01.2019 Категория CS:GO / CS2  
  7. Версия 3.1

    15 раз скачали

    Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. Добавляет на сервер новое оружие для людей MP5 Требуется для работы: Настройки в самом плагине (нужно компилировать плагин): #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "MP5" #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0 #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_mp5" #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_mp9" #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/mp5/w_smg_mp5.mdl" #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/mp5/v_smg_mp5.mdl" #define SOUND_FIRE1 "weapons/mp5-1.mp3" #define SOUND_FIRE2 "weapons/mp5-2.mp3" #define WEAPON_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE 1.23
  8. Просмотр файла [CS:GO/ZP] Новое оружие MP5 / ExtraItem: MP5 Плагин дополнение для зомби мода Zombie Plague. Добавляет на сервер новое оружие для людей MP5 Требуется для работы: Настройки в самом плагине (нужно компилировать плагин): #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "MP5" #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0 #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_mp5" #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_mp9" #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/mp5/w_smg_mp5.mdl" #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/mp5/v_smg_mp5.mdl" #define SOUND_FIRE1 "weapons/mp5-1.mp3" #define SOUND_FIRE2 "weapons/mp5-2.mp3" #define WEAPON_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE 1.23 Добавил OriginalShaman Добавлено 24.01.2019 Категория CS:GO / CS2  
  9. Версия 8.5.0

    126 раз скачали

    Zombie Plague большой мод для CS:GO с различными модулями,дополнениями, API и тд. Некоторые функции мода: Gameplay Modes System: возможность добавлять новые модули Weapons System: возможность добавлять новое оружие/изменять характеристики Zombie Classes System: создание классов/видов зомби со своим уникальным оружием и характеристиками Human Classes System: создание классов людей с нестандартными руками и оружием Ammo Packs: награждение за убийство/заражение игроков, очки которые можно будет обменять на перки Extra Items System: возможность создать бесконечное множество дополнительного оружия Custom Grenades: Напалм, Замораживающие гранаты, Зажигательные and Flare Deathmatch Mode: режим когда зомби и люди могут бесконечно возрождаться Admin Menu: легко управлять модом и игроками из админки Special Effects: различные эффекты.Землетрясения,туман и так далее Level System: награды за убийства и заржения, повышающие урон,скорость и гравитацию Restoring System: возможность восстановить HP если игрок зомби Дополнительное оружие Нестандартные модели Дополнительные вещи Виды зомби Виды людей Поддержка различных модов Очки ночного видения и фонарик Замена тумана,света,неба и тд Стандартные режимы игры: Обычное заражение Множественное заражение Swarm Mode Nemesis Mode Режим выживания Снайперский режим Режим инфекции Армагедон Классы/виды человека: Red tank: Умение = Дополнительная бронь ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Blue tank: Умение =Регенерация ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Red Alice: Умение = Быстрый бег ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Blue Alice: Умение = невидимость~ Активация на кнопке: F4 и другие Классы/виды зомби: Explosive: Умение = Заразный газ ~ Активируется при смерти Shaman: Умение = Крик~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Deimos: Умение = Заразный выстрел ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Healer:Умение = Healing for ammopack rewards ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Smoker: Умение = Токсичное облако ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Fast: Умение = Быстрый бег ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Witch: Умение = Bats flock ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Baller: Умение = Парализующий шар~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Tesla: Умение = Галюцинации ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Stamper: Умение = Explosive coffin ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Ghost: Умение = Невидимость ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Sleeper: Passive skill = Randomly dazzles the assailant Trapper: Умение = Ловушки~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Tank: Умение = Неуязвимость ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Deathmatch System Система сохранений Система звуков Система хитбоксов Система логов Система трупов Система меню Система умений Ammopacks System Система рук/моделей Level System with MySQL and SQLite Support Leap/Boost Jumps Freeze, Fire, Flare, Infection, Jump and Molotov Nades Objective removals (C4/Hostage/Buyzone/Doors) Kill & Infection Rewards More than 100 Natives and Forwards Мультиязчность плагина: Русский и Английский языки Настройки: Основные настройки в файле по пути: /csgo/cfg/sourcemod/zombieplague.cfg // ---------------------------------------------- // Main map configures of ZOMBIE PLAGUE <~8.x~> // Execute this config after the map load. // ---------------------------------------------- // < Game Purpose > // ---------- zp_game_custom_time "30" // Time before any game mode starts in seconds [0-disabled] zp_game_custom_models "1" // Enable custom weapon models [0-no // 1-yes] (Disable it, if you do not want to have possible ban) zp_game_custom_antistick "1" // Enable auto unstick players when stuck within each others' collision hull [0-no // 1-yes] zp_game_custom_hitgroups "1" // Enable hitgroups module, disabling this will disable hitgroup-related features. (hitgroup knockback multipliers, hitgroup damage control) [0-no // 1-yes] zp_game_custom_costumes "1" // Enable costumes module, disabling this will disable costumes-related features. (hats/costumes on the players) [0-no // 1-yes] zp_game_custom_database "1" // Enable auto saving of players data in the database [0-off // 1-always // 2-map] zp_game_custom_menu_button "autobuy" // Bind of the button for the menu open. Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/36cjph/default_binds/ zp_game_custom_skill_button "rebuy" // Bind of the button for the skill usage. Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/36cjph/default_binds/ zp_game_custom_light_button "+lookatweapon" // Bind of the button for the flashlight trigger. Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/36cjph/default_binds/ zp_game_custom_sound_level "75" // Index of the sound level for the modification. Look here: // SNDLEVEL_NONE = 0 < None > // SNDLEVEL_RUSTLE = 20 < Rustling leaves > // SNDLEVEL_WHISPER = 25 < Whispering > // SNDLEVEL_LIBRARY = 30 < In a library > // SNDLEVEL_FRIDGE = 45 < Refrigerator > // SNDLEVEL_HOME = 50 < Average home (3.9 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_CONVO = 60 < Normal conversation (2.0 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_DRYER = 60 < Clothes dryer > // SNDLEVEL_DISHWASHER = 65 < Dishwasher/washing machine (1.5 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_CAR = 70 < Car or vacuum cleaner (1.0 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_NORMAL = 75 < Normal sound level > // SNDLEVEL_TRAFFIC = 75 < Busy traffic (0.8 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_MINIBIKE = 80 < Mini-bike, alarm clock (0.7 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_SCREAMING = 90 < Screaming child (0.5 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_TRAIN = 100 < Subway train, pneumatic drill (0.4 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_HELICOPTER = 105 < Helicopter > // SNDLEVEL_SNOWMOBILE = 110 < Snow mobile > // SNDLEVEL_AIRCRAFT = 120 < Auto horn, aircraft > // SNDLEVEL_RAIDSIREN = 130 < Air raid siren > // SNDLEVEL_GUNFIRE = 140 < Gunshot, jet engine (0.27 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_ROCKET = 180 < Rocket launching (0.2 attn) > // ---------- // < Configs > // ---------- zp_config_path_downloads "zombieplague/downloads.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to downloads file zp_config_path_sounds "zombieplague/sounds.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to sounds config file zp_config_path_weapons "zombieplague/weapons.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to weapons config file zp_config_path_menus "zombieplague/menus.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to menus config file zp_config_path_hitgroups "zombieplague/hitgroups.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to hitgroups config file zp_config_path_costumes "zombieplague/costumes.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to costumes config file zp_config_path_database "zombiedatabase" // Section, relative to root sourcemod directory, to default 'database.cfg' file zp_config_name_database "zombieplague" // Name of database in the section above // ---------- // < Logs > // ---------- zp_log "1" // Enable logging of events in the plugin. Fatal errors are always logged [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_module_filter "0" // Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_ignore_console "1" // Don't log events triggered by console commands that are executed by the console itself, like commands in configs [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_error_override "1" // Always log error messages no matter what logging flags or modules filters that are enabled [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_print_chat "0" // Print log events to public chat in addition to the log file [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Jump boost > // ---------- zp_jumpboost_enable "0" // Enable jump boost [0-no // 1-yes] zp_jumpboost_multiplier "1.1" // Multiplier with power of jump zp_jumpboost_max "300.0" // Maximum speed, which allow to increse jump // ---------- // < Humans > // ---------- zp_human_class_menu "0" // Enable human class menu on a humanize with instant class change for 10 seconds [0-no // 1-yes] zp_human_armor_protect "1" // Armor needs to be reduced completely in order to get infected ? [0-no // 1-yes] zp_human_last_infection "1" // Allow last human to be infected [0-no // 1-yes] zp_human_inf_ammunition "0" // Give unlimited amount of ammunition for humans [0-disabled // 1-BP ammunition // 2-clip ammunition] zp_human_price_ammunition "1" // Clip price of the ammunition for humans, if unlimited amount is off [0-disabled] // ---------- // < Survivor > // ---------- zp_survivor_speed "1.3" // Speed zp_survivor_gravity "0.8" // Gravity zp_survivor_health "200" // Health [player count*health ratio] zp_survivor_inf_ammunition "0" // Give unlimited amount of ammunition for survivors [0-disabled // 1-BP ammunition // 2-clip ammunition] zp_survivor_price_ammunition "1" // Clip price of the ammunition for survivors, if unlimited amount is off [0-disabled] // ---------- zp_survivor_model "models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_phoenix_heavy.mdl" // Player model. This model files/textures will be automatically precache zp_survivor_arm "models/player/custom_player/zombie/arms/male_arms.mdl" // Arm skin model for standart weapons. This model files/textures will be automatically precache // Surivor use body/skin index of custom viewmodels from it's weapon. // ---------- // < Zombies > // ---------- zp_zombie_class_menu "0" // Enable zombie class menu on an infection with instant class change for 10 seconds [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_additional_health "100" // Additional health to first zombie [player count*health ratio] zp_zombie_nvg_give "1" // Enable custom nightvision [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_xray_give "1" // Enable custom x-ray for viewing through walls [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_crosshair_give "0" // Enable crosshair on weapons [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_restore "1" // Enable restoring health, when zombie don't moving [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Nemesis > // ---------- zp_nemesis_speed "1.5" // Speed zp_nemesis_gravity "0.8" // Gravity zp_nemesis_health_ratio "1000" // Health [player count*health ratio] zp_nemesis_knockback "0" // Nemesis knockback [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_nemesis_model "models/player/custom_player/zombie/zombie_bomb/zombie_bomb.mdl" // Player model. This model files/textures will be automatically precache // ---------- // < Leap jump > // ---------- zp_leap_zombies "2" // Give leap to zombies [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] zp_leap_zombies_force "500.0" // Force multiplier zp_leap_zombies_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses // ---------- zp_leap_nemesis "1" // Give leap to nemesis [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] zp_leap_nemesis_force "1500.0" // Force multiplier zp_leap_nemesis_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses // ---------- zp_leap_survivor "0" // Give leap to survivor [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] zp_leap_survivor_force "500.0" // Force multiplier zp_leap_survivor_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses // ---------- // < Bonuses > // ---------- zp_bonus_connection "50" // Ammo packs given on first connection zp_bonus_infect "1" // Ammo packs given to zombie for infecting zp_bonus_infect_health "500" // How much health a zombie regains with every infection zp_bonus_kill_human "1" // Ammo packs given to zombie for killing human zp_bonus_kill_zombie "1" // Ammo packs given to human for killing zombie zp_bonus_kill_nemesis "10" // Ammo packs given to human for killing nemesis zp_bonus_kill_survivor "10" // Ammo packs given to zombie for killing survivor // ---------- zp_bonus_damage_human "100" // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack zp_bonus_damage_zombie "200" // How much damage zombie must deal on human to get an ammo pack zp_bonus_damage_survivor "2000" // How much damage survivor must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack // ---------- zp_bonus_zombie_win "3" // Amount of ammopacks, for winning round, if you a zombie zp_bonus_zombie_fail "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for losing round, if you a zombie zp_bonus_zombie_draw "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for drawing round, if you a zombie zp_bonus_human_win "3" // Amount of ammopacks, for winning round, if you a human zp_bonus_human_fail "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for losing round, if you a human zp_bonus_human_draw "1" // Amount of ammopacks, for drawing round, if you a human // ---------- zp_bonus_hud_account_R "255" // Color of account hud (Red) [Only work if client exceed the 'mp_maxmoney' limit] zp_bonus_hud_account_G "255" // Color of account hud (Green) [Only work if client exceed the 'mp_maxmoney' limit] zp_bonus_hud_account_B "255" // Color of account hud (Blue) [Only work if client exceed the 'mp_maxmoney' limit] // ---------- // < Level System > // ---------- zp_level_system "1" // Enable level system [0-no // 1-yes] zp_level_statistics "0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000" // Exps required to reach level ["0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" - in the string divided by ' '] Can be possibly increase to higher number. First 0 ~ is vital and shown empty level // ---------- zp_level_health_ratio "10.0" // Health multiplier for each level (health += health_ratio*level) zp_level_speed_ratio "0.01" // Speed multiplier for each level (speed += speed_ratio*level) zp_level_gravity_ratio "0.01" // Gravity multiplier for each level (gravity += gravity_ratio*level) zp_level_damage_ratio "0.1" // Damage multiplier for each level (damage *= damage_ratio*level+1.0) // ---------- zp_level_damage_human "100" // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an one exp zp_level_damage_zombie "200" // How much damage zombie must deal on human to get an one exp zp_level_damage_survivor "2000" // How much damage survivor must deal on zombies to get an one exp // ---------- zp_level_infect "1" // Exps given to zombie for infecting zp_level_kill_human "1" // Exps given to zombie for killing human zp_level_kill_zombie "1" // Exps given to human for killing zombie zp_level_kill_nemesis "10" // Exps given to human for killing nemesis zp_level_kill_survivor "10" // Exps given to zombie for killing survivor // ---------- zp_level_hud_zombie_R "255" // Color of zombie hud (Red) zp_level_hud_zombie_G "0" // Color of zombie hud (Green) zp_level_hud_zombie_B "0" // Color of zombie hud (Blue) zp_level_hud_human_R "0" // Color of human hud (Red) zp_level_hud_human_G "255" // Color of human hud (Green) zp_level_hud_human_B "0" // Color of human hud (Blue) // ---------- // < Deathmatch > // ---------- zp_deathmatch "0" // Deathmatch mode during normal rounds, respawn as: [0-zombie // 1-human // 2-randomly // 3-balance] zp_suicide "0" // Allow kill or suicide command [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_respawn_amount "5" // Times of respawn for zombie on normal infection mode zp_respawn_time "5.0" // Delay before respawning on deathmatch mode in seconds zp_respawn_on_suicide "1" // Respawn players if they commited suicide [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_after_last_human "1" // Respawn players if only the last human/zombie is left [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_respawn_zombies "1" // Whether to respawn killed zombies [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_humans "0" // Whether to respawn killed humans [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_nemesis "0" // Whether to respawn killed nemesis [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_survivor "0" // Whether to respawn killed survivors [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Visual Effects > // ---------- zp_veffects_shake "1" // Screen shake for infected player [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_shake_amp "15.0" // Amplitude of shaking effect zp_veffects_shake_frequency "1.0" // Frequency of shaking effect zp_veffects_shake_duration "4.0" // Duration of shaking effect // ---------- zp_veffects_fade "1" // Screen fade for restoring health player [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_fade_time "0.6" // Holding time of fade effect zp_veffects_fade_duration "0.2" // Duration of fade effect // ---------- // < Partical Effects > // ---------- zp_veffects_particles "1" // Enable custom particle effects. Can cause the performance a lot [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_veffects_respawn "1" // Partical effect on re-spawn [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_respawn_name "spiral_spiral_akskkk" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_respawn_attachment "" // Attachment of re-spawn effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_respawn_duration "1.0" // Duration of re-spawn effect // ---------- zp_veffects_infect "1" // Partical effect on infect [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_infect_name "fire_vixr_final" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_infect_attachment "" // Attachment of infect effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_infect_duration "1.0" // Duration of infect effect // ---------- zp_veffects_antidot "1" // Partical effect on humanize [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_antidot_name "cubecolor" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_antidot_attachment "" // Attachment of humanize effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_antidot_duration "1.0" // Duration of humanize effect // ---------- zp_veffects_heal "1" // Partical effect on healing [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_heal_name "heal_ss" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_heal_attachment "" // Attachment of healing effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_heal_duration "1.0" // Duration of healing effect // ---------- zp_veffects_nemesis "1" // Partical effect on nemesis [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_nemesis_name "end" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_nemesis_attachment "" // Attachment of nemesis effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_nemesis_duration "9999.0" // Duration of nemesis effect // ---------- zp_veffects_survivor "1" // Partical effect on survivor [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_survivor_name "molnii_final" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_survivor_attachment "" // Attachment of survivor effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_survivor_duration "9999.0" // Duration of survivor effect // ---------- zp_veffects_leap "1" // Partical effect on leap-jump [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_leap_name "block_trail_xzaa" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_leap_attachment "" // Attachment of leap-jump effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_leap_duration "1.5" // Duration of leap-jump effect // ---------- // < Sky > // ---------- zp_veffects_lightstyle "1" // Change lightstyle (brightness) of the map [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_lightstyle_value "b" // Lightstyle value ['b' = Darkest | 'z' = Brightest] // ---------- zp_veffects_sky "1" // Change map skybox [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_sky_path "jungle" // Skybox name. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List zp_veffects_sun_disable "1" // Disable sun rendering on map [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Fog > // ---------- zp_veffects_fog "1" // Enable fog rendering on the map [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_fog_color "200 200 200" // Primary and secondary color of the fog zp_veffects_fog_density "0.2" // Density (thickness) of the fog zp_veffects_fog_startdist "300" // Distance from player to start rendering foremost fog zp_veffects_fog_enddist "1200" // Distance from player to stop rendering fog zp_veffects_fog_farz "4000" // Vertical clipping plane. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Env_fog_controller // ---------- // < Ragdoll (Bodies) > // ---------- zp_veffects_ragdoll_remove "0" // Remove players' ragdolls from the game after a delay zp_veffects_ragdoll_dissolve "-1" // The ragdoll removal effect. ['-2' = Effectless removal | '-1' = Random effect | '0' = Energy dissolve | '1' = Heavy electrical dissolve | '2' = Light electrical dissolve | '3' = Core dissolve] zp_veffects_ragdoll_delay "0.5" // Time to wait before removing the ragdoll // ---------- // < Overlays > // ---------- zp_veffects_hud_zombie "overlays/zp/zg_zombies_win.vmt" // [""-disabled] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when zombies win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients zp_veffects_hud_human "overlays/zp/zg_humans_win.vmt" // [""-disabled] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients zp_veffects_hud_draw "" // [""-disabled] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when the round draw. This file is automatically downloaded to clients zp_veffects_hud_vision "overlays/zp/zvision.vmt" // [""-default nightvision] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients // ---------- // < Sound Effects > // ---------- zp_seffects_voice "0" // Modify sv_alltalk to obey zombie/human teams instead of t/ct zp_seffects_voice_zombies_mute "0" // Only allow humans to communicate, block verbal zombie communication // ---------- zp_seffects_infect "1" // Emit a infect sound when a human become zombie zp_seffects_moan "30.0" // Time between emission of a moan sound from a zombie zp_seffects_groan "5" // The probability that a groan sound will be emitted from a zombie when shot/burn. ['100' = 1% chance | '50' = 2% chance | '1' = 100% chance] zp_seffects_burn "1" // Emit a burn sound when a zombie on fire zp_seffects_death "1" // Emit a death sound when a zombie dies zp_seffects_footsteps "1" // Emit a footstep sound when a zombie walks zp_seffects_claws "1" // Emit a claw sound when a zombie attacks // ---------- zp_seffects_survivor_infect "SURVIVOR_INFECTION_SOUNDS" // The key block for survivor infect sounds zp_seffects_survivor_hurt "SURVIVOR_HURT_SOUNDS" // The key block for survivor hurt sounds zp_seffects_survivor_death "SURVIVOR_DEATH_SOUNDS" // The key block for survivor death sounds // ---------- zp_seffects_nemesis_idle "NEMESIS_IDLE_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis idle sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_hurt "NEMESIS_HURT_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis hurt sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_death "NEMESIS_DEATH_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis death sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_burn "NEMESIS_BURN_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis burn sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_footstep "NEMESIS_FOOTSTEP_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis footstep sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_respawn "NEMESIS_RESPAWN_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis respawn sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_attack "NEMESIS_ATTACK_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis attack sounds // ---------- zp_seffects_player_flashlight "FLASH_LIGHT_SOUNDS" // The key block for player flashlight sounds zp_seffects_player_ammunition "AMMUNITION_BUY_SOUNDS" // The key block for player ammunition sounds zp_seffects_player_level "LEVEL_UP_SOUNDS" // The key block for player levelup sounds // ---------- zp_seffects_round_start "ROUND_START_SOUNDS" // The key block for round start sounds zp_seffects_round_count "ROUND_COUNTER_SOUNDS" // The key block for round counter sounds zp_seffects_round_zombie "ROUND_ZOMBIE_SOUNDS" // The key block for round zombie sounds zp_seffects_round_human "ROUND_HUMAN_SOUNDS" // The key block for round human sounds zp_seffects_round_draw "ROUND_DRAW_SOUNDS" // The key block for round draw sounds // ---------- // < Messages > // ---------- zp_messages_help "1" // Enable help messages [0-no // 1-yes] zp_messages_block "Player_Cash_Award_Team_Cash_Award_Player_Point_Award_Match_Will_Start_Chat_SavePlayer_YouDroppedWeapon_CannotDropWeapon" // List of standart engine messages and notifications for blocking. Look here: ..\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource\csgo_*.txt // ---------- // < Additional settings > // ---------- mp_roundtime "5" // Time of round mp_round_restart_delay "7.0" // Delay after round end // ---------- mp_teamname_1 "HUMAN" // Name of CT team mp_teamname_2 "ZOMBIE" // Name of TE team // ---------- mp_h_default_equipment "holy grenade, freeze grenade" // Default equipment for human ["holy grenade,freeze grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ',' from weapons.ini] mp_h_default_melee "knife" // Default knife for human mp_h_default_secondary "glock" // Default secondaty for human mp_h_default_primary "" // Default primary for human // ---------- mp_z_default_equipment "jump bomb" // Default equipment for zombie ["holy grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ' ' from weapons.ini] mp_z_default_melee "zombie claw" // Default knife for zombie mp_z_default_secondary "" // Default secondaty for zombie mp_z_default_primary "" // Default primary for zombie // ---------- mp_n_default_equipment "" // Default equipment for nemesis ["holy grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ' ' from weapons.ini] mp_n_default_melee "nemesis claw" // Default knife for nemesis mp_n_default_secondary "" // Default secondaty for nemesis mp_n_default_primary "" // Default primary for nemesis // ---------- mp_s_default_equipment "" // Default equipment for survivor ["holy grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ' ' from weapons.ini] mp_s_default_melee "survivor knife" // Default knife for survivor mp_s_default_secondary "supertaser" // Default secondaty for survivor mp_s_default_primary "etherial" // Default primary for survivor // ---------- Команды: Админские команды: zp_version - покзывает версию плагина zp_debug - Отображает проблемы в логе zp_config_reload - Перезагружает файл конфига zp_config_reloadall - Перезгружает все конфиги zp_log_list - List available logging flags and modules with their status values. zp_log_add_module - Добавляет модуль в логирование zp_log_remove_module - Удаляет модуль из логирования Клиентские команды: zmainmenu - открывает главное меню zweaponmenu - открывает оружейное меню zitemmenu - открывает меню дополнительных предметов zzombieclassmenu - открывает меню видов зомби zhumanclassmenu - открывает меню классов людей zhatmenu - открывает дополнительное меню Кнопки: 'F3' - открывает главное меню 'F4' - активирует умение 'F' - включает фонарик или ночное видение '.' или '/' - закупка аммуниции 'CTRL' + 'SPACE' - супер прыжок Не двигайся и не нажимай никаких кнопок - если игрок зомби то восстанавливает ХП
  10. Просмотр файла [CS:GO] Зомби мод Zombie Plague /Experimental: Zombie Plague Zombie Plague большой мод для CS:GO с различными модулями,дополнениями, API и тд. Некоторые функции мода: Gameplay Modes System: возможность добавлять новые модули Weapons System: возможность добавлять новое оружие/изменять характеристики Zombie Classes System: создание классов/видов зомби со своим уникальным оружием и характеристиками Human Classes System: создание классов людей с нестандартными руками и оружием Ammo Packs: награждение за убийство/заражение игроков, очки которые можно будет обменять на перки Extra Items System: возможность создать бесконечное множество дополнительного оружия Custom Grenades: Напалм, Замораживающие гранаты, Зажигательные and Flare Deathmatch Mode: режим когда зомби и люди могут бесконечно возрождаться Admin Menu: легко управлять модом и игроками из админки Special Effects: различные эффекты.Землетрясения,туман и так далее Level System: награды за убийства и заржения, повышающие урон,скорость и гравитацию Restoring System: возможность восстановить HP если игрок зомби Дополнительное оружие Нестандартные модели Дополнительные вещи Виды зомби Виды людей Поддержка различных модов Очки ночного видения и фонарик Замена тумана,света,неба и тд Стандартные режимы игры: Обычное заражение Множественное заражение Swarm Mode Nemesis Mode Режим выживания Снайперский режим Режим инфекции Армагедон Классы/виды человека: Red tank: Умение = Дополнительная бронь ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Blue tank: Умение =Регенерация ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Red Alice: Умение = Быстрый бег ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Blue Alice: Умение = невидимость~ Активация на кнопке: F4 и другие Классы/виды зомби: Explosive: Умение = Заразный газ ~ Активируется при смерти Shaman: Умение = Крик~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Deimos: Умение = Заразный выстрел ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Healer:Умение = Healing for ammopack rewards ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Smoker: Умение = Токсичное облако ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Fast: Умение = Быстрый бег ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Witch: Умение = Bats flock ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Baller: Умение = Парализующий шар~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Tesla: Умение = Галюцинации ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Stamper: Умение = Explosive coffin ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Ghost: Умение = Невидимость ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Sleeper: Passive skill = Randomly dazzles the assailant Trapper: Умение = Ловушки~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Tank: Умение = Неуязвимость ~ Активация на кнопке: F4 Deathmatch System Система сохранений Система звуков Система хитбоксов Система логов Система трупов Система меню Система умений Ammopacks System Система рук/моделей Level System with MySQL and SQLite Support Leap/Boost Jumps Freeze, Fire, Flare, Infection, Jump and Molotov Nades Objective removals (C4/Hostage/Buyzone/Doors) Kill & Infection Rewards More than 100 Natives and Forwards Мультиязчность плагина: Русский и Английский языки Настройки: Основные настройки в файле по пути: /csgo/cfg/sourcemod/zombieplague.cfg // ---------------------------------------------- // Main map configures of ZOMBIE PLAGUE <~8.x~> // Execute this config after the map load. // ---------------------------------------------- // < Game Purpose > // ---------- zp_game_custom_time "30" // Time before any game mode starts in seconds [0-disabled] zp_game_custom_models "1" // Enable custom weapon models [0-no // 1-yes] (Disable it, if you do not want to have possible ban) zp_game_custom_antistick "1" // Enable auto unstick players when stuck within each others' collision hull [0-no // 1-yes] zp_game_custom_hitgroups "1" // Enable hitgroups module, disabling this will disable hitgroup-related features. (hitgroup knockback multipliers, hitgroup damage control) [0-no // 1-yes] zp_game_custom_costumes "1" // Enable costumes module, disabling this will disable costumes-related features. (hats/costumes on the players) [0-no // 1-yes] zp_game_custom_database "1" // Enable auto saving of players data in the database [0-off // 1-always // 2-map] zp_game_custom_menu_button "autobuy" // Bind of the button for the menu open. Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/36cjph/default_binds/ zp_game_custom_skill_button "rebuy" // Bind of the button for the skill usage. Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/36cjph/default_binds/ zp_game_custom_light_button "+lookatweapon" // Bind of the button for the flashlight trigger. Look here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/36cjph/default_binds/ zp_game_custom_sound_level "75" // Index of the sound level for the modification. Look here: // SNDLEVEL_NONE = 0 < None > // SNDLEVEL_RUSTLE = 20 < Rustling leaves > // SNDLEVEL_WHISPER = 25 < Whispering > // SNDLEVEL_LIBRARY = 30 < In a library > // SNDLEVEL_FRIDGE = 45 < Refrigerator > // SNDLEVEL_HOME = 50 < Average home (3.9 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_CONVO = 60 < Normal conversation (2.0 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_DRYER = 60 < Clothes dryer > // SNDLEVEL_DISHWASHER = 65 < Dishwasher/washing machine (1.5 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_CAR = 70 < Car or vacuum cleaner (1.0 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_NORMAL = 75 < Normal sound level > // SNDLEVEL_TRAFFIC = 75 < Busy traffic (0.8 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_MINIBIKE = 80 < Mini-bike, alarm clock (0.7 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_SCREAMING = 90 < Screaming child (0.5 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_TRAIN = 100 < Subway train, pneumatic drill (0.4 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_HELICOPTER = 105 < Helicopter > // SNDLEVEL_SNOWMOBILE = 110 < Snow mobile > // SNDLEVEL_AIRCRAFT = 120 < Auto horn, aircraft > // SNDLEVEL_RAIDSIREN = 130 < Air raid siren > // SNDLEVEL_GUNFIRE = 140 < Gunshot, jet engine (0.27 attn) > // SNDLEVEL_ROCKET = 180 < Rocket launching (0.2 attn) > // ---------- // < Configs > // ---------- zp_config_path_downloads "zombieplague/downloads.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to downloads file zp_config_path_sounds "zombieplague/sounds.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to sounds config file zp_config_path_weapons "zombieplague/weapons.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to weapons config file zp_config_path_menus "zombieplague/menus.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to menus config file zp_config_path_hitgroups "zombieplague/hitgroups.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to hitgroups config file zp_config_path_costumes "zombieplague/costumes.ini" // Path, relative to root sourcemod directory, to costumes config file zp_config_path_database "zombiedatabase" // Section, relative to root sourcemod directory, to default 'database.cfg' file zp_config_name_database "zombieplague" // Name of database in the section above // ---------- // < Logs > // ---------- zp_log "1" // Enable logging of events in the plugin. Fatal errors are always logged [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_module_filter "0" // Enable module filtering. Only events from listed modules will be logged [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_ignore_console "1" // Don't log events triggered by console commands that are executed by the console itself, like commands in configs [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_error_override "1" // Always log error messages no matter what logging flags or modules filters that are enabled [0-no // 1-yes] zp_log_print_chat "0" // Print log events to public chat in addition to the log file [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Jump boost > // ---------- zp_jumpboost_enable "0" // Enable jump boost [0-no // 1-yes] zp_jumpboost_multiplier "1.1" // Multiplier with power of jump zp_jumpboost_max "300.0" // Maximum speed, which allow to increse jump // ---------- // < Humans > // ---------- zp_human_class_menu "0" // Enable human class menu on a humanize with instant class change for 10 seconds [0-no // 1-yes] zp_human_armor_protect "1" // Armor needs to be reduced completely in order to get infected ? [0-no // 1-yes] zp_human_last_infection "1" // Allow last human to be infected [0-no // 1-yes] zp_human_inf_ammunition "0" // Give unlimited amount of ammunition for humans [0-disabled // 1-BP ammunition // 2-clip ammunition] zp_human_price_ammunition "1" // Clip price of the ammunition for humans, if unlimited amount is off [0-disabled] // ---------- // < Survivor > // ---------- zp_survivor_speed "1.3" // Speed zp_survivor_gravity "0.8" // Gravity zp_survivor_health "200" // Health [player count*health ratio] zp_survivor_inf_ammunition "0" // Give unlimited amount of ammunition for survivors [0-disabled // 1-BP ammunition // 2-clip ammunition] zp_survivor_price_ammunition "1" // Clip price of the ammunition for survivors, if unlimited amount is off [0-disabled] // ---------- zp_survivor_model "models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_phoenix_heavy.mdl" // Player model. This model files/textures will be automatically precache zp_survivor_arm "models/player/custom_player/zombie/arms/male_arms.mdl" // Arm skin model for standart weapons. This model files/textures will be automatically precache // Surivor use body/skin index of custom viewmodels from it's weapon. // ---------- // < Zombies > // ---------- zp_zombie_class_menu "0" // Enable zombie class menu on an infection with instant class change for 10 seconds [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_additional_health "100" // Additional health to first zombie [player count*health ratio] zp_zombie_nvg_give "1" // Enable custom nightvision [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_xray_give "1" // Enable custom x-ray for viewing through walls [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_crosshair_give "0" // Enable crosshair on weapons [0-no // 1-yes] zp_zombie_restore "1" // Enable restoring health, when zombie don't moving [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Nemesis > // ---------- zp_nemesis_speed "1.5" // Speed zp_nemesis_gravity "0.8" // Gravity zp_nemesis_health_ratio "1000" // Health [player count*health ratio] zp_nemesis_knockback "0" // Nemesis knockback [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_nemesis_model "models/player/custom_player/zombie/zombie_bomb/zombie_bomb.mdl" // Player model. This model files/textures will be automatically precache // ---------- // < Leap jump > // ---------- zp_leap_zombies "2" // Give leap to zombies [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] zp_leap_zombies_force "500.0" // Force multiplier zp_leap_zombies_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses // ---------- zp_leap_nemesis "1" // Give leap to nemesis [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] zp_leap_nemesis_force "1500.0" // Force multiplier zp_leap_nemesis_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses // ---------- zp_leap_survivor "0" // Give leap to survivor [0-disabled // 1-enabled // 2-only if zombie alone] zp_leap_survivor_force "500.0" // Force multiplier zp_leap_survivor_cooldown "5.0" // Time between leap uses // ---------- // < Bonuses > // ---------- zp_bonus_connection "50" // Ammo packs given on first connection zp_bonus_infect "1" // Ammo packs given to zombie for infecting zp_bonus_infect_health "500" // How much health a zombie regains with every infection zp_bonus_kill_human "1" // Ammo packs given to zombie for killing human zp_bonus_kill_zombie "1" // Ammo packs given to human for killing zombie zp_bonus_kill_nemesis "10" // Ammo packs given to human for killing nemesis zp_bonus_kill_survivor "10" // Ammo packs given to zombie for killing survivor // ---------- zp_bonus_damage_human "100" // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack zp_bonus_damage_zombie "200" // How much damage zombie must deal on human to get an ammo pack zp_bonus_damage_survivor "2000" // How much damage survivor must deal on zombies to get an ammo pack // ---------- zp_bonus_zombie_win "3" // Amount of ammopacks, for winning round, if you a zombie zp_bonus_zombie_fail "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for losing round, if you a zombie zp_bonus_zombie_draw "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for drawing round, if you a zombie zp_bonus_human_win "3" // Amount of ammopacks, for winning round, if you a human zp_bonus_human_fail "2" // Amount of ammopacks, for losing round, if you a human zp_bonus_human_draw "1" // Amount of ammopacks, for drawing round, if you a human // ---------- zp_bonus_hud_account_R "255" // Color of account hud (Red) [Only work if client exceed the 'mp_maxmoney' limit] zp_bonus_hud_account_G "255" // Color of account hud (Green) [Only work if client exceed the 'mp_maxmoney' limit] zp_bonus_hud_account_B "255" // Color of account hud (Blue) [Only work if client exceed the 'mp_maxmoney' limit] // ---------- // < Level System > // ---------- zp_level_system "1" // Enable level system [0-no // 1-yes] zp_level_statistics "0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000" // Exps required to reach level ["0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" - in the string divided by ' '] Can be possibly increase to higher number. First 0 ~ is vital and shown empty level // ---------- zp_level_health_ratio "10.0" // Health multiplier for each level (health += health_ratio*level) zp_level_speed_ratio "0.01" // Speed multiplier for each level (speed += speed_ratio*level) zp_level_gravity_ratio "0.01" // Gravity multiplier for each level (gravity += gravity_ratio*level) zp_level_damage_ratio "0.1" // Damage multiplier for each level (damage *= damage_ratio*level+1.0) // ---------- zp_level_damage_human "100" // How much damage humans must deal on zombies to get an one exp zp_level_damage_zombie "200" // How much damage zombie must deal on human to get an one exp zp_level_damage_survivor "2000" // How much damage survivor must deal on zombies to get an one exp // ---------- zp_level_infect "1" // Exps given to zombie for infecting zp_level_kill_human "1" // Exps given to zombie for killing human zp_level_kill_zombie "1" // Exps given to human for killing zombie zp_level_kill_nemesis "10" // Exps given to human for killing nemesis zp_level_kill_survivor "10" // Exps given to zombie for killing survivor // ---------- zp_level_hud_zombie_R "255" // Color of zombie hud (Red) zp_level_hud_zombie_G "0" // Color of zombie hud (Green) zp_level_hud_zombie_B "0" // Color of zombie hud (Blue) zp_level_hud_human_R "0" // Color of human hud (Red) zp_level_hud_human_G "255" // Color of human hud (Green) zp_level_hud_human_B "0" // Color of human hud (Blue) // ---------- // < Deathmatch > // ---------- zp_deathmatch "0" // Deathmatch mode during normal rounds, respawn as: [0-zombie // 1-human // 2-randomly // 3-balance] zp_suicide "0" // Allow kill or suicide command [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_respawn_amount "5" // Times of respawn for zombie on normal infection mode zp_respawn_time "5.0" // Delay before respawning on deathmatch mode in seconds zp_respawn_on_suicide "1" // Respawn players if they commited suicide [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_after_last_human "1" // Respawn players if only the last human/zombie is left [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_respawn_zombies "1" // Whether to respawn killed zombies [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_humans "0" // Whether to respawn killed humans [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_nemesis "0" // Whether to respawn killed nemesis [0-no // 1-yes] zp_respawn_survivor "0" // Whether to respawn killed survivors [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Visual Effects > // ---------- zp_veffects_shake "1" // Screen shake for infected player [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_shake_amp "15.0" // Amplitude of shaking effect zp_veffects_shake_frequency "1.0" // Frequency of shaking effect zp_veffects_shake_duration "4.0" // Duration of shaking effect // ---------- zp_veffects_fade "1" // Screen fade for restoring health player [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_fade_time "0.6" // Holding time of fade effect zp_veffects_fade_duration "0.2" // Duration of fade effect // ---------- // < Partical Effects > // ---------- zp_veffects_particles "1" // Enable custom particle effects. Can cause the performance a lot [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- zp_veffects_respawn "1" // Partical effect on re-spawn [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_respawn_name "spiral_spiral_akskkk" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_respawn_attachment "" // Attachment of re-spawn effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_respawn_duration "1.0" // Duration of re-spawn effect // ---------- zp_veffects_infect "1" // Partical effect on infect [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_infect_name "fire_vixr_final" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_infect_attachment "" // Attachment of infect effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_infect_duration "1.0" // Duration of infect effect // ---------- zp_veffects_antidot "1" // Partical effect on humanize [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_antidot_name "cubecolor" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_antidot_attachment "" // Attachment of humanize effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_antidot_duration "1.0" // Duration of humanize effect // ---------- zp_veffects_heal "1" // Partical effect on healing [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_heal_name "heal_ss" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_heal_attachment "" // Attachment of healing effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_heal_duration "1.0" // Duration of healing effect // ---------- zp_veffects_nemesis "1" // Partical effect on nemesis [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_nemesis_name "end" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_nemesis_attachment "" // Attachment of nemesis effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_nemesis_duration "9999.0" // Duration of nemesis effect // ---------- zp_veffects_survivor "1" // Partical effect on survivor [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_survivor_name "molnii_final" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_survivor_attachment "" // Attachment of survivor effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_survivor_duration "9999.0" // Duration of survivor effect // ---------- zp_veffects_leap "1" // Partical effect on leap-jump [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_leap_name "block_trail_xzaa" // Name of partical effect (Not a path, each '.pcf' have a name inside) For standart particles. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/List_of_CS_GO_Particles zp_veffects_leap_attachment "" // Attachment of leap-jump effect [""-client position // "eholster"-model attachment name] zp_veffects_leap_duration "1.5" // Duration of leap-jump effect // ---------- // < Sky > // ---------- zp_veffects_lightstyle "1" // Change lightstyle (brightness) of the map [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_lightstyle_value "b" // Lightstyle value ['b' = Darkest | 'z' = Brightest] // ---------- zp_veffects_sky "1" // Change map skybox [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_sky_path "jungle" // Skybox name. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List zp_veffects_sun_disable "1" // Disable sun rendering on map [0-no // 1-yes] // ---------- // < Fog > // ---------- zp_veffects_fog "1" // Enable fog rendering on the map [0-no // 1-yes] zp_veffects_fog_color "200 200 200" // Primary and secondary color of the fog zp_veffects_fog_density "0.2" // Density (thickness) of the fog zp_veffects_fog_startdist "300" // Distance from player to start rendering foremost fog zp_veffects_fog_enddist "1200" // Distance from player to stop rendering fog zp_veffects_fog_farz "4000" // Vertical clipping plane. Look here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Env_fog_controller // ---------- // < Ragdoll (Bodies) > // ---------- zp_veffects_ragdoll_remove "0" // Remove players' ragdolls from the game after a delay zp_veffects_ragdoll_dissolve "-1" // The ragdoll removal effect. ['-2' = Effectless removal | '-1' = Random effect | '0' = Energy dissolve | '1' = Heavy electrical dissolve | '2' = Light electrical dissolve | '3' = Core dissolve] zp_veffects_ragdoll_delay "0.5" // Time to wait before removing the ragdoll // ---------- // < Overlays > // ---------- zp_veffects_hud_zombie "overlays/zp/zg_zombies_win.vmt" // [""-disabled] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when zombies win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients zp_veffects_hud_human "overlays/zp/zg_humans_win.vmt" // [""-disabled] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients zp_veffects_hud_draw "" // [""-disabled] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when the round draw. This file is automatically downloaded to clients zp_veffects_hud_vision "overlays/zp/zvision.vmt" // [""-default nightvision] Overlay (.vmt), relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round. This file is automatically downloaded to clients // ---------- // < Sound Effects > // ---------- zp_seffects_voice "0" // Modify sv_alltalk to obey zombie/human teams instead of t/ct zp_seffects_voice_zombies_mute "0" // Only allow humans to communicate, block verbal zombie communication // ---------- zp_seffects_infect "1" // Emit a infect sound when a human become zombie zp_seffects_moan "30.0" // Time between emission of a moan sound from a zombie zp_seffects_groan "5" // The probability that a groan sound will be emitted from a zombie when shot/burn. ['100' = 1% chance | '50' = 2% chance | '1' = 100% chance] zp_seffects_burn "1" // Emit a burn sound when a zombie on fire zp_seffects_death "1" // Emit a death sound when a zombie dies zp_seffects_footsteps "1" // Emit a footstep sound when a zombie walks zp_seffects_claws "1" // Emit a claw sound when a zombie attacks // ---------- zp_seffects_survivor_infect "SURVIVOR_INFECTION_SOUNDS" // The key block for survivor infect sounds zp_seffects_survivor_hurt "SURVIVOR_HURT_SOUNDS" // The key block for survivor hurt sounds zp_seffects_survivor_death "SURVIVOR_DEATH_SOUNDS" // The key block for survivor death sounds // ---------- zp_seffects_nemesis_idle "NEMESIS_IDLE_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis idle sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_hurt "NEMESIS_HURT_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis hurt sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_death "NEMESIS_DEATH_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis death sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_burn "NEMESIS_BURN_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis burn sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_footstep "NEMESIS_FOOTSTEP_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis footstep sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_respawn "NEMESIS_RESPAWN_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis respawn sounds zp_seffects_nemesis_attack "NEMESIS_ATTACK_SOUNDS" // The key block for nemesis attack sounds // ---------- zp_seffects_player_flashlight "FLASH_LIGHT_SOUNDS" // The key block for player flashlight sounds zp_seffects_player_ammunition "AMMUNITION_BUY_SOUNDS" // The key block for player ammunition sounds zp_seffects_player_level "LEVEL_UP_SOUNDS" // The key block for player levelup sounds // ---------- zp_seffects_round_start "ROUND_START_SOUNDS" // The key block for round start sounds zp_seffects_round_count "ROUND_COUNTER_SOUNDS" // The key block for round counter sounds zp_seffects_round_zombie "ROUND_ZOMBIE_SOUNDS" // The key block for round zombie sounds zp_seffects_round_human "ROUND_HUMAN_SOUNDS" // The key block for round human sounds zp_seffects_round_draw "ROUND_DRAW_SOUNDS" // The key block for round draw sounds // ---------- // < Messages > // ---------- zp_messages_help "1" // Enable help messages [0-no // 1-yes] zp_messages_block "Player_Cash_Award_Team_Cash_Award_Player_Point_Award_Match_Will_Start_Chat_SavePlayer_YouDroppedWeapon_CannotDropWeapon" // List of standart engine messages and notifications for blocking. Look here: ..\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\resource\csgo_*.txt // ---------- // < Additional settings > // ---------- mp_roundtime "5" // Time of round mp_round_restart_delay "7.0" // Delay after round end // ---------- mp_teamname_1 "HUMAN" // Name of CT team mp_teamname_2 "ZOMBIE" // Name of TE team // ---------- mp_h_default_equipment "holy grenade, freeze grenade" // Default equipment for human ["holy grenade,freeze grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ',' from weapons.ini] mp_h_default_melee "knife" // Default knife for human mp_h_default_secondary "glock" // Default secondaty for human mp_h_default_primary "" // Default primary for human // ---------- mp_z_default_equipment "jump bomb" // Default equipment for zombie ["holy grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ' ' from weapons.ini] mp_z_default_melee "zombie claw" // Default knife for zombie mp_z_default_secondary "" // Default secondaty for zombie mp_z_default_primary "" // Default primary for zombie // ---------- mp_n_default_equipment "" // Default equipment for nemesis ["holy grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ' ' from weapons.ini] mp_n_default_melee "nemesis claw" // Default knife for nemesis mp_n_default_secondary "" // Default secondaty for nemesis mp_n_default_primary "" // Default primary for nemesis // ---------- mp_s_default_equipment "" // Default equipment for survivor ["holy grenade, ..." - in the string divided by ' ' from weapons.ini] mp_s_default_melee "survivor knife" // Default knife for survivor mp_s_default_secondary "supertaser" // Default secondaty for survivor mp_s_default_primary "etherial" // Default primary for survivor // ---------- Команды: Админские команды: zp_version - покзывает версию плагина zp_debug - Отображает проблемы в логе zp_config_reload - Перезагружает файл конфига zp_config_reloadall - Перезгружает все конфиги zp_log_list - List available logging flags and modules with their status values. zp_log_add_module - Добавляет модуль в логирование zp_log_remove_module - Удаляет модуль из логирования Клиентские команды: zmainmenu - открывает главное меню zweaponmenu - открывает оружейное меню zitemmenu - открывает меню дополнительных предметов zzombieclassmenu - открывает меню видов зомби zhumanclassmenu - открывает меню классов людей zhatmenu - открывает дополнительное меню Кнопки: 'F3' - открывает главное меню 'F4' - активирует умение 'F' - включает фонарик или ночное видение '.' или '/' - закупка аммуниции 'CTRL' + 'SPACE' - супер прыжок Не двигайся и не нажимай никаких кнопок - если игрок зомби то восстанавливает ХП Добавил OriginalShaman Добавлено 16.01.2019 Категория CS:GO / CS2  
  11. Версия 3.1

    17 раз скачали

    Плагин позволяет заменить на сервере классическое AWP на новую винтовку M98. Разработан плагин для режима Zombie Plague но будет работать и с другими режимами. Настройки вшиты в сам плагин, поэтому для их изменения нужно скомпилировать плагин. Выглядят настройкие в плагине следующим образом: #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "M98" #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0 #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_m98" #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_awp" #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/m98/w_snip_m98.mdl" #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/m98/v_snip_m98.mdl" #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/M98B/fire.mp3" #define WEAPON_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE 1.2 Установка: Раскидать файлы по папкам (.smx в plugins, .cfg в configs и так далее)
  12. Просмотр файла [CS:GO] Новое оружие M98 / ExtraItem: M98 Плагин позволяет заменить на сервере классическое AWP на новую винтовку M98. Разработан плагин для режима Zombie Plague но будет работать и с другими режимами. Настройки вшиты в сам плагин, поэтому для их изменения нужно скомпилировать плагин. Выглядят настройкие в плагине следующим образом: #define EXTRA_ITEM_NAME "M98" #define EXTRA_ITEM_COST 5 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LEVEL 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_ONLINE 0 #define EXTRA_ITEM_LIMIT 0 #define WEAPON_NAME "weapon_m98" #define WEAPON_REFERANCE "weapon_awp" #define MODEL_WORLD "models/weapons/m98/w_snip_m98.mdl" #define MODEL_VIEW "models/weapons/m98/v_snip_m98.mdl" #define SOUND_FIRE "weapons/M98B/fire.mp3" #define WEAPON_MULTIPLIER_DAMAGE 1.2 Установка: Раскидать файлы по папкам (.smx в plugins, .cfg в configs и так далее) Добавил OriginalShaman Добавлено 15.01.2019 Категория CS:GO / CS2  

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