Скины/Модели - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Перейти к содержанию


28 файлов

  1. Mists of Chaos

    Скачать скин для Dota 2 можно нажав на кнопку вверху справа
    Makes the Chaos Knight look like Abaddon.
    If you don't want to rebuild it, just delete the sounds inthe mod.
    In the search for the "light", the chaos rider travels the planes of Avernus. In its realm lies the mists that protects the Font. Chaos Knight draws strength from it, giving mystic energies that makes life and death under his control.

    16 раз скачали  | 0 комментариев  |  | MasloPunisher

  2. Winnie the Pooh Lone Druid

    Скачать скин для Dota 2 можно нажав на кнопку вверху справа
    This mod changes the appearance of Lone Druid and his bear to that of Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh.
    Changes hero and bear textures as well as a spruced up root effect & sound, rest of LD's effects are changed to a yellow hue.

    25 раз скачали  | 0 комментариев  |  | MasloPunisher

  3. Spatial Rifter

    Скачать скин для Dota 2 можно нажав на кнопку вверху справа
    A space themed skin for Faceless Void. Particles are also edited.

    35 раз скачали  | 0 комментариев  |  | MasloPunisher

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