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  1. СМЕШНО!!11
    CRAICK111 получил реакцию от OriginalShaman в [CS:GO] Плагин ckSurf   
    [CS:GO] Плагин ckSurf
    Просмотр файла Original: click

    Make sure metamod and sourcemod are installed correctly on your server, by writing sm version and meta version to the server's console, or while you are connected to the server. If you didn't get any errors, shutdown the server.
    Download the ckSurf package and extract it
    Upload the contents of the csgo folder, which you got from the ckSurf package, to your server's csgo folder (same folder where mapcycle.txt is).
    On your server, go edit the databases.cfg file at csgo/addons/sourcemod/configs/. Add in a setting called "cksurf" with your databases settings. [*]Add all your surf map names to csgo/mapcycle.txt. This is required for the point system to work correctly. Remember to keep this up to date with the maps you are running on your server!
    [*]Launch your server on a surf_ map, and see if ckSurf is running by writing sm plugins list to the server console (by default the plugin won't launch on cs_ or de_ maps).
    [*]Connect to your server with an account that has the z admin-flag and write !insertmapzones to the chat, then click yes and wait untill all the zones are added. After that write !insertmaptiers and click yes again.

    You have now succesfully installed ckSurf.
    Optional things:
    Install Stripper:Source with ckSurf's configs to fix broken maps that crash your server, broken anti-gravities, jail timers etc. [*]Install UMC for an advanced map voting system, which includes map tier and stage information

    Client Commands:
    sm_usp - spawns a usp silencer
    sm_avg - prints in chat the average time of the current map
    sm_accept - allows you to accept a challenge request
    sm_hidechat - hides your ingame chat
    sm_hideweapon - hides your weapon model
    sm_disarm - hides your weapon model
    sm_goto - teleports you to a selected player
    sm_sound - on/off quake sounds
    sm_surrender - surrender your current challenge
    sm_bhop - on/off autobhop
    sm_help2 - Explanation of the ckSurf ranking system
    sm_flashlight - on/off flashlight
    sm_maptop - displays local map top for a given map
    sm_hidespecs - hides spectators from menu/panel
    sm_compare - compare your challenge results
    sm_wr - prints records in chat
    sm_abort - abort your current challenge
    sm_spec - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators
    sm_watch - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators
    sm_spectate - chooses a player who you want to spectate and switch you to spectators
    sm_challenge - allows you to start a race against others
    sm_helpmenu - help menu which displays all ckSurf commands
    sm_help - help menu which displays all ckSurf commands
    sm_profile - opens a player profile
    sm_rank - opens a player profile
    sm_options - opens options menu
    sm_top - displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall)
    sm_topSurfers - displays top rankings (Top 100 Players, Top 50 overall)
    sm_bonustop - displays top rankings of the bonus
    sm_btop - displays top rankings of the bonus
    sm_stop - stops your timer
    sm_ranks - prints in chat the available player ranks
    sm_pause - on/off pause (timer on hold and movement frozen)
    sm_showsettings - shows ckSurf server settings
    sm_latest - shows latest map records
    sm_showtime - on/off - timer text in panel/menu
    sm_hide - on/off - hides other players
    sm_togglecheckpoints - on/off - Enable player checkpoints
    +noclip - Player noclip on
    -noclip - Player noclip off
    sm_nc - Player noclip on/off
    // Teleportation commands
    sm_stages - Opens up the stage selector
    sm_r - Teleports player back to the start
    sm_restart - Teleports player back to the start
    sm_start - Teleports player back to the start
    sm_b - Teleports player back to the start
    sm_bonus - Teleports player back to the start
    sm_bonuses - Displays a list of bonuses in current map
    sm_s - Teleports player to the selected stage
    sm_stage - Teleports player to the selected stage
    sm_end - Teleports player to the end zone
    // Titles
    sm_title - Displays player's titles
    sm_titles - Displays player's titles
    // VIP
    sm_vip - VIP's commands and effects.
    sm_effects - VIP's commands and effects.
    sm_effect - VIP's commands and effects.
    // MISC
    sm_tier - Prints information on the current map
    sm_maptier - Prints information on the current map
    sm_mapinfo - Prints information on the current map
    sm_mi - Prints information on the current map
    sm_m - Prints information on the current map
    sm_difficulty - Prints information on the current map
    sm_btier - Prints tier information on current map's bonuses
    sm_bonusinfo - Prints tier information on current map's bonuses
    sm_bi - Prints tier information on current map's bonuses
    sm_howto - Displays a youtube video on how to surf
    sm_ve - Vote to extend the map
    sm_vmute - Mute a player
    // Teleport to the start of the stage
    sm_stuck - Teleports player back to the start of the stage
    sm_back - Teleports player back to the start of the stage
    sm_rs - Teleports player back to the start of the stage
    sm_play - Teleports player back to the start
    sm_spawn - Teleports player back to the start
    // Player Checkpoints
    sm_teleport - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
    sm_tele - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
    sm_prac - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
    sm_practice - Teleports player to his last checkpoint
    sm_cp - Creates a checkpoint, where the player can teleport back to
    sm_checkpoint - Creates a eckpoint, where the player can teleport back to
    sm_undo - Undoes the players lchast checkpoint.
    sm_normal - Switches player back to normal mode.
    sm_n - Switches player back to normal mode.
    Admin Commands:
    sm_ckadmin - Displays the ckSurf menu panel
    sm_refreshprofile - Recalculates player profile for given steam id
    sm_resetchallenges - Resets all player challenges (drops table challenges) - requires z flag
    sm_resettimes - Resets all player times (drops table playertimes) - requires z flag
    sm_resetranks - Resets the all player points (drops table playerrank - requires z flag)
    sm_resetmaptimes - Resets player times for given map - requires z flag
    sm_resetplayerchallenges - Resets (won) challenges for given steamid - requires z flag
    sm_resetplayertimes - Resets pro map times (+extrapoints) for given steamid with or without given map - requires z flag
    sm_resetplayermaptime - Resets pro map time for given steamid and map - requires z flag
    sm_deleteproreplay - Deletes pro replay for a given map - requires z flag
    sm_resetextrapoints - Resets given extra points for all players with or without given steamid
    sm_deletecheckpoints - Reset checkpoints on the current map
    sm_insertmaptiers - Insert premade maptier information into the database (ONLY RUN THIS ONCE)
    sm_insertmapzones - Insert premade map zones into the database (ONLY RUN THIS ONCE)
    sm_zones - Opens up the zone creation menu.
    sm_admintitles - Gives a player a title
    sm_admintitle - Gives a player a title
    sm_givetitle - Gives a player a title
    sm_removetitles - Removes player's all titles
    sm_removetitle - Removes specific title from a player
    sm_addmaptier - Changes maps tier
    sm_amt - Changes maps tier
    sm_addspawn - Changes the position !r takes players to
    sm_delspawn - Removes custom !r position
    sm_clearassists - Clears assist points (map progress) from all players
    // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.7.3-dev+5292)
    // ConVars for plugin "ckSurf.smx"
    // on/off - Admin clan tag (necessary flag: b - z)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_admin_clantag "1"
    // Admin flag required to open the !ckadmin menu. Invalid or not set, requires flag b. Requires a server restart.
    // -
    // Default: "b"
    ck_adminmenu_flag "b"
    // on/off - max 40 shots; +5 new/extra shots per minute; 1 he/flash counts like 9 shots
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_attack_spam_protection "1"
    // on/off - AutoBhop on surf_ maps
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_auto_bhop "1"
    // Sets HP amount for autohealing (requires ck_godmode 0)
    // -
    // Default: "50"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "100.000000"
    ck_autoheal "50"
    // on/off - Auto respawn
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_autorespawn "1"
    // Automatically give players with this admin flag the VIP title. Invalid or not set, disables auto VIP.
    // -
    // Default: "a"
    ck_autovip_flag "a"
    // on/off - Bots mimic the local bonus record
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_bonus_bot "1"
    // The bonus replay bot color - Format: "red green blue" from 0 - 255.
    // -
    // Default: "255 255 20"
    ck_bonus_bot_color "255 255 20"
    // (1 / 0) Enables a trail on the bonus bot.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    ck_bonus_bot_trail "1"
    // The trail color for the bonus bot - Format: "red green blue" from 0 - 255.
    // -
    // Default: "255 255 20"
    ck_bonus_bot_trail_color "255 255 20"
    // on/off - Allows players to bet points on their challenges
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_challenge_points "1"
    // (1 / 0) Enable or disable ckSurfs chat processing.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    ck_chat_enable "1"
    // 0: Announce all times to chat, 1: Only announce PB's to chat, 2: Only announce SR's to chat
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "2.000000"
    ck_chat_record_type "0"
    // The frequency in seconds that players are allowed to send chat messages. 0.0 = No chat cap.
    // -
    // Default: "1.0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    ck_chat_spamprotection_time "1.0"
    // on/off - Removes all weapons on the ground
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_clean_weapons "1"
    // on/off Colors players names based on their rank in chat.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_colored_chatnames "0"
    // on/off - Enables a player connect message with country
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_connect_msg "1"
    // on/off - Country clan tag
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_country_tag "1"
    // on/off - Allows ckSurf to change the models of players and bots
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_custom_models "1"
    // on/off - Enables a player disconnect message in chat
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_disconnect_msg "1"
    // (1 / 0) Requires 2 successive !r commands to restart the player to prevent accidental usage.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_double_restart_command "1"
    // on/off - Sets a suitable timelimit by calculating the average run time (This method requires ck_map_end 1, greater than 5 map times and a default timelimit in your server config for maps with less than 5 times
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_dynamic_timelimit "0"
    // (0 / 1) Enables the !vip command. Requires a server restart.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_enable_vip "1"
    // on/off - Allows players to use the !end command
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_end "1"
    // Forces all players to join the CT team.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_force_players_ct "0"
    // on/off - unlimited hp
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_godmode "1"
    // on/off - Allows players to use the !goto command
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_goto "1"
    // on/off - provides information about nextmap and timeleft in his player name
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    ck_info_bot "0"
    // on/off - Allows map changes after the timelimit has run out (mp_timelimit must be greater than 0)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    Добавлено 26.07.2016 Категория CS:GO / CS2  

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