mg_multigames_devine_or_guess - Minigame (Мульти игры/Минигейм) - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Jump to content

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Классическая мультиигра карта для cs:go

This new version of mg_multigames_devine is primarily to fix some bug while adding two levels.

This mg map contains 11 levels that can be choosing by the first who pass the metal gate. Here is the 11 level with a short description and name of the music’s:

  • HE grenade level: throw the grenade above the wall for explode your enemy’s. Music: CS:GO - gamestartup
  • Knife level: Fight with your knife and take the grenade at the center. Music: Gabriel Yared - Achilles & Hector Fight
  • AWP level: Fight with awp and knife. Music: Nalepa - Monday (The Glitch Mob remix)
  • AK/M4 level: Buildings are destructible! Destroy the spawn building enemy for kill the enemy team. Music: End game - Bot Ride
  • Deagle level: Fight on the boat but doesn’t touch the water or you be hurt. Music : Beat Ever - Conqueror
  • Machinegun level: It’s a trampoline level with m249 and negev. Music: Skillet - Hero
  • Sliderace level: It’s a short sliderace. Be the first to arrive at the end for own the unique m249. Music: Uppermost - Born Limitless
  • PM level: Fight on the city! The walls are ladders. Music: Metal Gear Solid 3 Theme
  • Fall level: Fall and avoid the obstacle. Music: CS:GO - tenseccount_b01
  • Shotgun level: Go on the wooden box to fly away! Music: The Glitch Mob - Animus Vox –
  • Gravity level: Take and SSG and a knife and fight on this CQB map with the gravity. Music: Battlefield 3 main theme

This map required the equivalent of the CSS command “sv_airaccelerate 100” (for fall and shotgun level).

Скачать minigame карту для сервера csgo можно нажав на кнопку в правом верхнем углу

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