[CS:GO/CS:S] FurienGO - CS:GO - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Перейти к содержанию

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Furien is very famous mod from Counter-Strike 1.6 where Anti-Furiens (CTs) trying to kill all Furiens(Ts). But it's not easy how looks.. Furiens are very fast and invisible when they are not moving. They can buy items from shop like extra HP, SuperKnife, etc... Anti-Furiens at the round start can choose between free or paid weapons and aswell buy items from shop. So the game is very various.


Wallhang ✔

Low falldown speed ✔

Invisible ✔

Silent walk ✔

Fast movement and gravity for Furiens ✔


Furien and Anti-Furien shop


Custom currency ✔

MySql support ✔

Personal settings

Bomb beam (when planted) ✔

Bomb is disabled for X sec after round start ✔

Automatic team changing

Switchable perks

Furiens cannot takes any weapon

Double jump ✔



MySql Installation:

"FurienGO"{    "driver"          "mysql"    "host"            "HOST IP"    "database"        "DATABASE NAME"    "user"            "DATABASE USER"    "pass"            "DATABASE PASS"}


furien_disablebomb -> For how many seconds after round starts will be unable to plant bomb / -1 = 'Able to plant everytime', 0 = 'Forever'

furien_gravity -> Furiens gravity multiplier

furien_speed -> Furiens speed multiplier

furien_footsteps -> Disable furiens footsteps, 1 = 'Enable' 0 = 'Disable'

furien_bombbeacon -> Enable bomb beacon when planted, 1 = 'Enable' 0 = 'Disable'

furien_bombbeacon_delay -> Delay between beacons (in seconds)

furien_bombbeacon_radius -> Beacon radius

furien_bombbeacon_life -> Beacon life

furien_bombbeacon_width -> Beacon width

furien_bombbeacon_color -> Beacon color [R G B A] if randomcolor = '0'

furien_bombbeacon_randomcolor -> Beacon randomcolor

furien_invisible -> Enable furiens invisible, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'

furien_invisible_speed -> Invisible speed, Lower = faster

furien_invisible_alpha_reduce -> Your alpha will be reduced by X every [furien_invisible_speed] seconds

furien_falldownspeed -> Enable furiens low falldown speed, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'

furien_wallhang -> Enable furiens wallhang, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'

furien_doublejump -> Enable furiens doublejump, 1 = 'Enabled' 0 = 'Disabled'

furien_doublejump_maxjump -> How many times you can jump in air

furien_doublejump_jumpheight -> Height of doublejump

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