[CS:GO/CS:S] Dev Zones (with natives for developers) - CS:GO - Моддинг Игр и Серверов Перейти к содержанию

[CS:GO/CS:S] Dev Zones (with natives for developers) 3.2

1 изображение

Информация о файле

Технический плагин, разработанный для создателей плагинов, помогает создавать специальные зоны для взаимодействия.

Работает с любой игрой.

Зоны сохраняются в: configs/dev_zones/mapname.zone.txt



sm_devzones_filter "1"  - 1 = зона распознает только живых игроков 0 = распознает всех
sm_devzones_mode "1" - 0 =Проверяет каждые X секунд покинул игрок зону или нет, 1 = распознает с помощью OnStartTouch and OnEndTouch (less CPU consume)
sm_devzones_checker "5.0" - checks and beambox refreshs per second, low value = more precise but more CPU consume, More hight = less precise but less CPU consume
sm_devzones_model "models/error.mdl" - модель энтити зоны


Команда одна:

sm_zones или !zones - открывает меню управления зонами

Для разработчиков:

 * Check if a player are there in a zone
 * @param client     Player for check
 * @String zone     Zone name
 * @bool equal     Check exact zone name or parcial name
 * @bool caseSensitive     If true, comparison is case sensitive. If false, comparison is case insensitive.
 * @return true if player are there in the zone given in Zone String
native bool:Zone_IsClientInZone(client, String:zone[], bool:equal = true, bool:caseSensitive = false);

 * Check if a position is in a zone
 * @param client     Player for check
 * @String zone     Zone name
 * @float posx      X-Pos
 * @float posx      Y-Pos
 * @float posx      Z-Pos
 * @return true if position is in a zone or not
native bool Zone_isPositionInZone(char[] zone, float posx, float posy, float posz, bool equal = true);

 * Check if zone exists
 * @String zone     Zone name
 * @bool equal     Check exact zone name or parcial name
 * @bool caseSensitive     If true, comparison is case sensitive. If false, comparison is case insensitive.
 * @return true if zone exist
native bool:Zone_CheckIfZoneExists(String:zone[], bool:equal = true, bool:caseSensitive = false);

 * Called when a player has entered in a zone.
 * @param client   client that has entered in the zone.
 * @String zone   Zone name.
forward Zone_OnClientEntry(client, String:zone[]);

 * Called when a player has left a zone.
 * @param client   client that has left the zone.
 * @String zone   Zone name.
forward Zone_OnClientLeave(client, String:zone[]);

 * Get a zone position
 * @String zone   Zone name to search position.
 * @bool caseSensitive     If true, comparison is case sensitive. If false, comparison is case insensitive.
 * @Float Position   Array when the zone position will be copied
 * @return true on successfully, false otherwise
native Zone_GetZonePosition(String:zone[], bool:caseSensitive = false, Float:Position[3]);

		@Param1 -> int client
		@Param2 -> char[64] zoneBuffer
		@return true if zone found false if not
native bool Zone_getMostRecentActiveZone(int client, char zoneBuffer[64]); 

 * Called when a zone is created.
 * @String zone   Zone name.
forward Zone_OnCreated(String:zone[]);



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